Pat Robertson Supported by Coors Beer!

Pat Robertson Mum on Liquor Curse Because of Lush Contribution from Coors Brewing Company!

       Many will be shocked and saddened by the published statement of Pat Robertson that among his biggest contributors are Joseph and Holly Coors, beer brewing tycoons.

When asked at the Religious Newswriters Association (after addressing them, in Atlanta), what he thought about the morality of the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages, Robertson replied, "I cannot afford to say anything about that."

Then, the Christian television executive gave the reason why: "Joseph and Holly Coors of the Golden (Colorado) family, are among my strongest supporters. They are very beautiful people and very dear friends – so I cannot afford to say anything about that."

It is a dark day in America when the Dollar Sign neutralizes and destroys the influence of Christian leaders. It is no wonder that the damnable liquor traffic is so firmly entrenched in our country.

And what a tragic day that will be when some of these leaders stand before God! (Source of information in this report: The National Statesman Magazine).

~ The Capital Voice

Beware of The 700 Club!

Alcohol Kills!

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!